Being employed by your dream company with your dream job could be the greatest achievement for most. But having your own company, running your own business, hiring your own people, can be the best and what anyone actually deserves.
Deciding to run a business is really risky. This is the reason why most people choose to be employed than to be the employer. Why running a business is risky? It is because you are not just going to invest time and effort, but you are also going to invest money as your main capital for the products that you are planning to sell.
However, if you will just lurk on the risks of investing these things and failing right after, you will not be able to experience the joy and the rewarding feeling of being the owner or the employer.
To prevent the business from failing, you need to focus on the planning stage. The planning phase includes your objectives, the name of the business, the products you are going to sell like modern abaya style and some courses of actions you must have just in case the original plan di not work. It is all about preparedness and being proactive.
After the planning phase, fortunately, marketing business nowadays are very easy and you can have it free. How? Through the use of social media, websites, or simply the Internet. Decide who will be your market, and reach them. Include the potential ones so that you will have a larger audience. Target marketing is essential because it is like finding your niche and being consistent.
Remember that whatever happens, patience, persistence, and being positive all the time will put you on your goals. You do not give up when you feel you are losing but you think of it as a “no escape” situation that the only way left is to go up.